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Traffic Nightmares: solved by PikMyKid -FLORIDA (NBC)

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PikMyKid Solves Traffic Issues

Any driver who has to pass a school during drop-off or pick-up knows what a pain traffic can be…

A Florida dad is getting those lines moving nationwide with a new app. It could save school districts hundreds of thousands of dollars. It’s a process that demands a lot of resources and patience. School drop off and pickup lines. In fact, an independent study out of USF shows a savings of $47,000 for each school annually.

“It’s frustrating. It’s really frustrating. The line on the other side is so long – and the drop off is so slow”, says parent Leo Cadia.

“The teacher actually sees a visual representation of the line – without walkie talkies, without yelling and screaming– kids are ready”, says Pat Bhava, of Pik My Kid.

They’re checked in – creating immediate accountability. The app then pings an alert to the school and parents on the child’s exact whereabouts. Because of the apps efficiency, not as many teachers and law enforcement are needed.


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