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Schools Back!

One of the most stressful times of the year is right around the corner- back to school! As you are running around trying to get everything ready for the upcoming school year, make sure you take time to stay organized & shop smarter, not harder. There is no reason to cause yourself, or your children, more anxiety during this already chaotic time. Here are a few tips to help keep you on track when prepping for the school year.

  1. Shop Early! Get into the stores to buy school supplies ASAP. Knowing exactly what you need ahead of time will help you get in and out quickly. Get your school’s supply list before you go shopping and make a list of the things you already have.
  2. Make a Schedule! Someone once told me that “prior proper planning prevents poor performances”, and I have tried to live by it ever since. A great deal of stress can be relieved by taking a look at all of the upcoming school events/important dates and jotting them down on your own personal calendar. You can even write down your carpool schedule & your child’s after school activities.
  3. Organize clothes! Donate/sell anything that is too small or that your child no longer likes. Having a garage sale, or stopping by a store that will buy your clothes can earn you some spending money for your child’s upcoming wardrobe change.
  4. Meal Prep! Planning out lunches for the week to come can save you a ton of time. The last thing you want to do at the end of the day is make lunch. We would all rather be relaxing. Putting together healthy meals that are all ready to go for the week makes a huge difference when rushing out the door in the mornings.
  5. Sleep! Getting your children to go to sleep/wake up earlier a week before school starts. This will allow them to get their schedule back on track. There is nothing more stressful than trying to drag a sleepy, cranky child to their first day of school.
  6. Calm Them Down! After a long break many children can suffer from DIDASKALEINOPHOBIA (fear of going to school). It is important that you look out for the signs of this phobia and apply the appropriate solutions early on so your child feels as comfortable as possible. A great resource for solutions can be found in this article!

Going back to school doesn’t have to be hectic. By taking the steps necessary, you can stay sane and your children can stay happy all year!

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