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DIY them

There are plenty of adorable ideas for cards online that you and your child can easily do together. This is a good way to get them involved in making something for the class and spending some time with you! Pinterest is always a good website to find ideas, but some other sites include:

Personalize Them

Have your child write something heartfelt. If they have a few special friends in the class they could write a little note on the inside of the card. If they do not wish to take the time to write something individually to everyone, at least have them sign the cards.

Include a photo

A fun way to make your child’s cards stand out is to attach a photo of them on it. There are some creative and funny things you can do with a picture and a card. This is a fun way for the kids in the class to remember who they received the card from.

Add a treat

Whip up a quick and easy treat to attach to the card! If you do not have time to make something, buy some chocolate or sweethearts from the store and throw them in a cute little heart patterned bag. Children will love the extra treat and it is sure to be a hit with the whole class.

Write a pun

Adding a pun to the card is both funny and clever. Have your child come up with some puns and look online for ideas. There are plenty of crafts you can make to coincide with the pun you choose.

for those still curious

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