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Women’s Luncheon

Attending the 2016 Tampa Chamber of Commerce Women’s Luncheon was an eye-opening experience. The keynote speaker, Gay Gaddis was inspiring while still being incredible humble. Being the CEO of the largest woman-owned independent advertising agency in the country, you can imagine she is quite a busy woman. Her speech focused on taking risks, seeking out what makes you happy, and doing things before saying you will do them. Hearing this powerful entrepreneur’s experiences empowered those in the room to focus on their goals and push to be the best. Her speech was humorous as well, which made her seem more personal and helped me to better relate to her.

She spoke a lot about how different technology was in the past. When she started her business, all she had was a typewriter and her passion. Today, having such sparse technology is unheard of. Gay was able to create her whole company from the ground up using very minimal technology, something that just is not possible today. We have come so far in our technological advancements that it can be difficult to ever think of a time when we didn’t have it. Technology makes us safer, faster, and more efficient. Today, Gay and her team use technology constantly. It has become a vital part in making her advertising firm run smoothly.

Gay’s speech was extremely motivational. It is important to realize just how much technology influences us, and how we can utilize it to make our lives easier. Understanding what is best for you and your company is also vital to making your business successful. She stressed that getting past your fears and taking an opportunity when it is presented to you can be one of the most rewarding things you can do.

The Tampa Bay Chamber of Commerce Women’s Luncheon is definitely an event I would recommend to attend. Meeting such inspirational and driven women was a great opportunity.

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