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Teach Your Child Another Language

There is proven research that knowing multiple languages can help increase brain health, create better job prospects, and boost creativity.Training your child to learn a second language early in their life can be extremely beneficial. Not quite sure where to begin? Here are a few tips to help make your baby bilingual!

Start Early

At age two and three a child’s brain acts like a sponge. It is soaking up every bit of information it receives. Your child is very susceptible to their environment at this age. They are able to learn quickly and efficiently.

Incorporate the language everyday

If you are trying to teach your child Spanish, start by incorporating it into their daily routine. Instead of showing them a program on TV in English, find one in Spanish. Making the new language a habit will help your child retain it faster.

Focus on single words

Throughout the day, be sure to point out objects and say them in the language you are teaching your child. When they hear one word at a time they will be more likely to remember them.

Surround them with people who speak the language

Have someone you know speak the second language with them if you do not know it. When they have someone to practice with, they will learn much faster. Spending time with a bilingual nanny or teacher will help them to connect the language to real life.

Stay Patient & Keep Calm

Although a child’s mind learns quickly, they will not become bilingual overnight. It takes a lot of practice to learn another language, just as it does for adults. Do not become frustrated if you do not see the progression as quickly as you would like.

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