student privacy

Student Privacy

Pikmykid Approach To Student Data Privacy

We take great pride in keeping your schools and students’ personal information safe and private. We constantly evaluate and improve upon our own privacy practices and standards by challenging ourselves and every person who works at Pikmykid to think closely about student privacy. We work closely with schools to understand their needs and concerns through feedback sessions to increase data privacy.

Protecting The Privacy Of Information We Collect

  • We have access to Data only as requested by the School and Parents and only for the purposes of performing Services on the School’s behalf.
  • We’re a proud signatory of the Student Privacy Pledge, a public and legally-enforceable commitment regarding the collection, maintenance, and use of student personal information.
  • We do not sell or trade student  information.

Data Ownership

  • We receive Student Data only from the School and Parents. We never interact with the student directly. Please contact your School if you have questions about the information they provide us and their use of technology service providers like Pikmykid.
  • Schools and districts that partner with us control their Personal Student Information, and can request deletion of Personal Student Information at any time.
  • Schools and districts control their preference if they would like to use our services to engage parents.
  • Parents using the Pikmykid app own their accounts and can delete any time. 
  • Each school determines which Authorized School Personnel have access to the school’s account with offerings and their permission levels.

How We Store & Secure Your Information

  • We maintain reasonable administrative, technological and physical safeguards designed to improve the integrity, privacy, confidentiality, and security of your information.
  • All data is securely and exclusively hosted in a FERPA compliant data center. User roles are clearly defined to manage the access level.
  • Student Personal Information is protected by a password for your privacy and security.

Student Privacy Pledge


As K-12 school service providers, we are honored to be entrusted by educators and families to support their school operation needs. We take the responsibility to both support the effective use of student information and safeguard student privacy and information security.


Pikmykid complies with FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY. (FERPA) and works with schools to provide the information they need upon request. We firmly support the fact that school districts should and do own and control their students’ “Personal Student Information”. We take great efforts to collaborate with customers to provide them the ability to access, modify, and delete this data consistent with FERPA, COPPA, and all other applicable laws.

We do not use Personal Student Information to target advertisements or market to students or anyone else, to amass a profile about a K-12 educational student for a non-educational purpose, or for any purposes prohibited by the Family Educational and Privacy Rights Act (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99.3) (“FERPA”), California Business & Professions Code section 22584 (“SOPIPA”), and California Education Code section 49073.1.

We use your Personal Student Information in accordance with applicable student privacy laws, including, as applicable, New York’s New York State Education Law Section 2-d, Illinois Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA) , Texas Student Data Privacy, California’s Student Online Personal Information Protection Act (SOPIPA).

Our Commitment To Safeguard Student Privacy

We Do Not
  • WE DO NOT collect, maintain, use or share student personal information beyond that needed for authorized educational/school purposes, or as authorized by the parent/student.
  • WE DO NOT sell student personal information.
  • WE DO NOT use or disclose student information collected through an educational/school service (whether personal information or otherwise) for behavioral targeting of advertisements to students.
We Do
  • WE DO collect, use, share, and retain student personal information only for purposes for which we were authorized by the educational institution/agency, teacher or the parent/student.
  • WE DO disclose clearly in contracts or privacy policies, including in a manner easy for parents to understand, what types of student personal information we collect, if any, and the purposes for which the information we maintain is used or shared with third parties.
  • WE DO support access to and correction of student personally identifiable information by the student or their authorized parent, either by assisting the educational institution in meeting its requirements or directly when the information is collected directly from the student with student/parent consent.
  • WE DO maintain a comprehensive security program that is reasonably designed to protect the security, privacy, confidentiality, and integrity of student personal information against risks – such as unauthorized access or use, or unintended or inappropriate disclosure – through the use of administrative, technological, and physical safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.
  • WE DO de-identify Personal Student Information for product development and improvements.
  • WE DO allow a successor entity to maintain the student personal information, in the case of our merger or acquisition by another entity, provided the successor entity is subject to these same commitments for the previously collected student personal information.
  • WE DO allow a successor entity to maintain the student personal information, in the case of our merger or acquisition by another entity, provided the successor entity is subject to these same commitments for the previously collected student personal information.
  • WE DO obtain third-party attestation of our alignment with NIST Cybersecurity Framework.

Vendor Security & Compliance Checklist For A District’s Quick Reference

  • Does the vendor/app collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII)?
    • Yes please refer to our terms and conditions for the type of information collected.
  • Does the vendor have a published Privacy Policy?
  • Does the vendor have a published Terms of Service?
    • Yes please refer to our terms and conditions for Privacy and terms.
  • Does the Privacy Policy and/or TOS clearly state the type of PII collected and how it’s used?
    • Yes.
  • Does the Privacy Policy and/or TOS clearly state that the ownership of PII remains with your school, not the vendor?
    • Yes.
  •  Does the vendor/app create a profile of students other than for the educational purposes specified
    • No.
  •  Does the Privacy Policy and/or TOS clearly commit to not share student information with third-parties other than as needed to provide the educational product or service
    • Yes.
  •  Does the Privacy Policy and/or TOS clearly commit to not share or sell student information for purposes of advertising and/or other forms of marketing?
    • Yes.
  • Does the vendor/app show advertisements to student users?
    • No.
  •  Does the Privacy Policy and/or TOS clearly commit to delete all student data when you cancel the account, when the data is no longer required to provide services, or when otherwise requested?
    • Data Deletion policy aligned to school districts.
  • Does the vendor allow parents to access the student data it stores or enable schools to access data to provide to parents in compliance with FERPA?
    • Yes.
  • Does the vendor claim that it can change its Privacy Policy without notice at any time?
    • No.