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Child Struggling with School?

Has your child recently come home with a report card that is not at all what you expected? Don’t worry, there are many possible reasons why your child is receiving low grades. Before jumping to conclusions or getting angry, take a moment to step back and evaluate the situation. It is natural to quickly blame yourself as a parent, but there may be more to the story. Here are some ways you can help your child out of their tough school situation.


The first thing that should be done is to ask your child why they received the grades they did. Many times, it may be more than their procrastination and laziness. They simply may not understand the material. Your child might need a bigger push to get them on the right track.

Go over homework:

Once they get home, review what homework they have to complete. Connect with a teacher to follow up if your child does not yet know how to stay organized with assignments. Help them if they are struggling with something in particular. After the claimed they have finished their homework, check over it to be sure everything is complete. These little check ups will make a big difference.

Motivate Them & Stay Optimistic:

Make studying fun for your children by adding a reward or prize for completing homework. Giving them incentives will motivate them to try harder. Help them set goals for the future and praise their good grades.

Hire a Tutor:

If you feel that your efforts just aren’t enough, hire a professional. There is no shame in asking for a little help when it comes to your child’s academics. A tutor will be able to help your child specifically in their problem areas.

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