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Digital is the new way

In our previous blog post, we spoke about the general misconceptions of a digital product rollout, and how some thought-leaders began to embrace that “Digital is the way.” This mindset is necessary to evolve our education system and help equip our teachers and faculty with the appropriate tools to run a safe and efficient campus. Schools need these tools more now than ever. The most important challenges they face are engaging all of the decision making stakeholders, finding the right tools and improving the readiness of the entire team.

Teacher explaining a new digital product to her co-workers

In K-12 education, the schools and districts are so busy with their core priorities that most of the time they settle with the tools sold by the best salesman, not because they felt it was relevant or important. Technology communities should help Edtech leaders use their budget judiciously with the right tools so they can focus on our students.

Latest NPR news on how mass shootings are forcing schools to re-think safety. is a great study to educate school leaders on the need for a Safety tool and training for their districts, but late by just a few years. As an EdTech company, we have taken this as a serious priority to create awareness and provide solutions. Our team of experts is committed to helping school leaders make the right decisions and succeed in the rollout of these tools. We help both districts and individual schools take the first step towards safety planning, ensuring safer dismissals with the right tools.

We follow a two-step process to ensure users acknowledge the need and have the right plan for rollout.

Step-1: Stakeholders acknowledge the need (Commitment phase)

Our Safety consultants ensure the stakeholders understand their pain point and acknowledge the need for a solution. You don’t have wait to lose a child in your district or school to implement Safety tools. Once they acknowledge their need, we talk about the suite of solutions for students safety that starts with digital dismissal tracking.

Step-2: Evaluate the readiness and prepare the users (Roll out phase)

Our implementation experts built a simple rubric system that has evolved over multiple rollouts to help our districts and schools assess their readiness for a safety solution. This helps us assess the leadership & staff commitment to the program before beginning. Based on the position on the chart, we provide them with a custom implementation plan and timelines.

A graph showing the roll out procedure

As we mentioned earlier one size does not fit all. We customize our product rollout strategies to fit a school or district based on size and other factors. Some schools are self-starters and we do encourage them as well. Our product is designed to move towards digital products as a self-service (DaaS) for schools. We are providing tools for 21st-century leaders to embrace digital transformation and improve.

for those still curious

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