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We are changing the way you view school dismissal. As a parent, you are probably tired of waiting in traffic for what can seem like an eternity. As a teacher, you probably do not want to spend the hour after school that you could be lesson planning, standing outside waving down cars. We understand the struggles that parents and staff have at the end of the day and are currently helping schools nationwide. Student safety and carline efficiency are our number one priorities. Utilizing innovative technolongy, our application makes the dismissal process faster, safer, and more efficient. After-school frustration is no longer an option. We strive to understand the exact needs of every school by customizing their dismissal program to make it the most effective for them. We see a struggle frequently within districts for a solution to this problem.

Don’t wait any longer, find out what it’s like to have an easy and stress free school dismissal! Get started with a free version of our carline!

for those still curious

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