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School Emergency Preparedness

We at and will be bringing you a series of blog posts on the topic of ‘School Emergency Preparedness’ in association with our partner D-PREP, industry leading experts in Disaster Preparedness. They routinely train the FBI, DEA, US Marines special Ops(MARSOC), Navy Seals and various other law enforcement agencies including School Districts across the country.

“The Stop the Bleed initiative is the result of a federal interagency collaboration to save lives and build resilience by empowering the public to stop life-threatening hemorrhage following unintentional injuries, crashes, acts of violence, or natural disasters.”

Stop the Bleed infographic

Someone who is bleeding can die from blood loss within minutes, this makes it crucial to stop the bleeding in a timely manner. This means those who are nearest to someone with uncontrolled bleeding injuries are the best positioned to provide care. The average person can go from just that, an average person, to a life saving hero. Uncontrolled bleeding can happen from manmade or natural disasters (e.g., bombings, active shooters, car crashes, hurricanes) Having basic tools and information available to bystanders to combat life threatening bleeding situations could dramatically decrease lives lost. This initiative is similar to CPR, improving public awareness and access to proper tools, to deal with life threatening situations. This could mean the difference between life and death for many people.

National Stop the Bleed Day Banner

Stop the Bleed is a campaign launched by the White House in 2015 to spread awareness and access to life saving tools and knowledge. The goal is to encourage bystanders to equip themselves with the proper knowledge and tools, empowering them to act and help in these bleeding emergency situations.

We encourage all to please read and share the resources on Stop The Bleed here:

for those still curious

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