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After Hurricane, What Now for PikMyKid?

Shattered windows, fallen trees, flooded streets, closed schools. Most importantly, a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety for those directly and indirectly affected by the hurricane. These are just some of the effects of this devastating natural disaster. We, ourselves, here at PikMyKid were affected by the hurricane and focussed on recovery. Our main office in Tampa was under mandatory evacuation orders as the eyewall of Irma was hurtling directly at us. The past few days have been really stressful for all those affected, from winding up office responsibilities, setting up autoresponders, squaring up the house, packing for emergency evacuation, unplanned road trips, calling on and replying to friends and loved ones all while juggling hundreds of other activities.

How to deal with these impacts? How to give support to those affected? Why did two major hurricanes affect the U.S. at the same time? So many difficult questions are surrounding us right now – but, what now? We have compiled a list of important things/activities we should get involved in the aftermath of the hurricane.

Offer Help/Counseling to those Directly/Indirectly Affected

Many people lost their homes or valuable objects. We must encourage them to speak up about how they feel. We may not be able to provide financial support, but sure we can be the friend whom they can count on and provide a shoulder for them to cry.


You can also volunteer through different organizations to clean, re-build or provide counseling services. Volunteering will help you see this situation through the eyes of the affected people, and, if you are one of them, you’ll meet people who will understand what you’re going through and who are willing to assist you while you assist others. You’ll see that, by working together, we can accomplish great things! The following article provides information about volunteering opportunities to assist with hurricane relief activities in FL


Keep in mind that many people fled their homes, leaving everything behind. They have been paying hotels, meals, and gas, and haven’t been working for days now. This means that they’re probably not the best financial situation right now. Also, FEMA money is only distributed to government-related hurricane relief activities. So if you wish to donate, that would help the millions of Americans who have been affected by this natural disaster. The following link provides information about the different relief organizations that you can donate to:

Don’t Forget About the Animals!

Of course, it’s not just humans who need assistance, don’t forget about animals who suffered during the hurricane! Animal welfare organizations like the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the Best Friends Animal Society, and the South Florida Wildlife Center have all put out calls for donations.

Create Awareness

Read the news, talk to your friends. Share stories/news on your social media so people don’t forget about this tragic situation! We have posted hurricane-related posts that you can share with your friends. Make them aware of what’s going on and what others are going through. This is a very important step to take because it will create consciousness and will also motivate others to evacuate for future hurricanes. Follow, like and share!

Our thoughts and hearts are with those impacted by Hurricane Irma through this devastating time. As we at PikmyKid deal with recovery from Hurricane, we pray for the rest of our community.

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