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Words By:
Laurie Medina
Posted On:
October 6, 2016

PikMyKid Pitches to EdTech

After an intense selection process, PikMyKid has been chosen to pitch to major ed-tech companies across the nation. Dreamit is one of the 20 most active venture firms in the country and is helping give us access to these big names. Building relationships, partnering with other likeminded individuals in our sector, and maintaining those connections and vital to growing and sustaining your start-up.

Having access to these resources, we are able to reach a wider audience and share with others our passion for student safety. We are traveling the Northeast and West coast to present in front of the big guys (Microsoft, Blackboard, Cengage Learning, & more) and we couldn’t be more excited! Since school is back in swing we have had quite a few updates and an influx of districts signing on to make their children safer. These opportunities have given us the boost we need to be a part of Dreamit Ventures. We are excited to continue providing schools with the quality and care that they deserve for their students. Stay updated on all things PMK, you won’t want to miss the exciting advancements we have in the pipeline!

Schedule a Demo!

Ready to reimagine school safety? Book a demo today!

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Laurie Medina  - 

Laurie is a recent graduate from the University of South Florida; she earned a Bachelor’s Degree in International Studies. Before moving to the US, she lived in South Korea and Honduras. Laurie is experienced in Human Resources and Customer Service. She loves to volunteer for non-profits, travel the world and try new foods.