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The StartUp Expo SUP-X annual conference finalists

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PikMyKid Finalist

We are happy to announce that PikMyKid has been chosen as a finalist for The StartUp Expo: SUP-X! What an honor!

SUP-X: The StartUp Expo, the premier annual conference that brings together startups and investors from across North America, today announced the 50 semi-finalists for its startup competition. Chosen from hundreds of online applications and via accelerators, angel groups and venture funds from throughout the US and Canada, the fifty startups have earned a booth on the 30,000 square foot SUP-X exhibit hall floor and the right to compete for $50,000 in prizes at SUP-X: The Startup Expo, on February 16-17 in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. The event closes with a fast pitch competition of five finalists chosen from the 50 startups announced today.

Read the full article here.


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