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In today’s ever-changing world, it’s more important now than ever to make sure your child feels safe and secure no matter where they are. Feeling safe is important for everyone, but especially children who are developing critical life skills. Studies have shown that children who feel safe in their environments not only learn better, but they play and socialize better as well. It can be hard to know where to start, so we’ve rounded up five tips.  

two kids smiling at breakfast while being secure


Pikmykid’s school dismissal app maintains a calm and organized environment where kids and parents are informed of their daily pick-up and drop-off schedule. Pikmykid offers emergency alerts, and a panic button should there be any situation on campus, to keep everyone notified. Schools and parents can speak to their kids about having tools and a plan during emergencies, making the kids feel more secure. 

a mother and child smiling. Parents can make kids feel secure


kidpik‘s clothing subscription service strives to make kids feel confident through fashion. A kidpik fashion box includes three mix-and-match outfits that are curated for each child by expert stylists based on your child’s unique style and personality. With a monthly box, your child will always have a rotation of head-to-toe outfits and will be ready for school the next day. kidpik offers style support through their service and can inspire security in kids’ identities and sense of self.  

an outfit layout
an outfit layout

Kindness Wall 

Feeling safe and secure at school and with classmates is a fundamental part of childhood. A way to promote this is by creating a classroom kindness wall. A kindness wall is a place where students post their daily acts of kindness and are recognized. There are many fun templates and ideas to choose from, including this kindness tree below. 

a kindness tree wall display. Kindness will make any child feel secure

Routine is Key! 

This is true for most adults, but imperative for kids! Especially these days when restrictions can affect your daily routine at the drop of a hat. Come together to create a family routine that will remain consistent whether you’re preparing for a day of in-person school, or at-home learning.  

Your morning routine doesn’t have to change if you’re staying home. Create consistency in your children’s lives by sticking to designated mealtimes, playtimes, morning and evening routines.  

If your kids are learning in-person, taking time every morning to go over the after school pick-up details for the day can be helpful and relieve any stress. 

parents reading their child a book

Implement the Buddy System 

Whether it’s a sibling or best friend, having a go-to person is imperative for kids. For every situation—whether it’s the walk to school, or a birthday party, it’s important for kids to know they have someone they can be with in times of emergency or discomfort. You can decide with your child who their buddy will be, then loop in the buddy (and their parents) and make plans for any and every situation.  

Two kids highfiving - Friendship will make everyone feel secure

for those still curious

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