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1. Is this a stand alone Edtech product or part of a comprehensive platform?

When you buy a stand alone product that mainly focuses on solving only one problem, you may find that it’s not as robust of a solution down the road. As your school expands, you will need an Edtech solution that provides a group of interworking solutions to meet your needs as they grow. That way, you’ll already have a platform in place and won’t have to go back to the drawing board every time your school expands.

kid smiling before getting on a bus + a tablet with the edtech product pikmykid

How We Help

Pikmykid started with one product focusing on dismissal management and has now become a whole suite of school safety products. The platform combines dismissal automation with the ability to message parents and staff, navigate emergency procedures, and account for students’ safety all throughout the school day.

2. How well does the product integrate with other Edtech solutions?

As you compare a product with others, you’ll want to evaluate how well it connects through API integrations into the major systems your school already uses. A stand-alone product that does not play well with other Edtech solutions is likely to cause extra work and frustration to implement and maintain. An ideal product has Data integrations with all the major data management systems and is compliant with all of the standard data formats used in K12.

kids hopping off a bus

How We Help

At Pikmykid we’ve prioritized partnering with all of the major data integration SIS companies to bring a streamlined implementation process for schools such as FACTS, Central Access, Skyward, Powerschool, and more. We are also IMS global compliant and seek to develop our products to work cohesively with other systems they are already using.

3. Does the Edtech product align with multiple avenues for funding?

When you buy an Edtech product, you want to do everything you can to create a pathway for long-term sustainability. If you’re restricted by a single grant or window of purchase, you may find a barrier to continued use in the future, for example, if you run out of budget for one line item. You can mitigate this risk by considering if this product may have the expanse of solutions for you to purchase it with multiple budget line items. Another helpful parameter is to see how many varying grants apply for attaining the product.

How We Help

Pikmykid can be bought through a variety of different grants such as Title 1 funds, ESSER funds, and EANS funds. Since the platform incorporates a whole suite of solutions, you can designate several different line items to apply for the platform, such as school safety funds, learning impact outcome funds, and traffic reduction funds.

4. Does the product have quantifiable and proven results?

When comparing a product with competitors, you want to look for specific outcomes that match the needs of your school. This means considering not only which promises the product is making, but how they are measured. One of the best ways to determine this is to see that it has third-party validation and proven efficacy metrics. Along with that, see that the product has privacy policies compliant with all the major privacy policies.

How We Help

Pikmykid has had numerous third-party studies measure and validates the platform’s performance to both qualify its expected outcomes and to inform development for the platform’s product roadmap. We’ve also incorporated the highest standard of compliance with privacy policies including FERPA and the Student Privacy Pledge.

5. Is it a proven leader in the market?

No matter which type of Edtech product you’re evaluating, you want to make sure the one you select isn’t just a fad technology, here today, gone tomorrow. To determine this, you can pay attention to a few specific factors such as: has it been accepted nationwide and in different demographics? Has it been utilized by different types of school systems? Are there testimonials related to your realities you can rely on? Has it been evaluated by peers through third-party platforms like capterra or through white papers? Has it been an established market leader for at least 5 years, so that you know you can trust and depend on it next year? These findings will help you evaluate the longevity of the product as compared to competitors.

How We Help

Having begun as the only solution in the industry, Pikmykid has since maintained its rank as the leading school safety and dismissal solution for the last 8 years. Through continuous innovation based on the needs of schools, the Pikmykid platform has been implemented successfully by public, private, and charter schools in every state and in an increasing number of countries. Raving reviews and in-depth third-party studies continue to conclude that Pikmykid is the market leader for the combined solution of dismissal management and school safety technology.

At Pikmykid, we’re here to help you reimagine your school safety. If you’re ready to see how the leading school safety and dismissal platform works, request a customized demo to get started.

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